Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Please note that this is all a joke.

The Bloodbath[]

Jem and Someone fight for a bag. Someone gives up and retreats.

RetroBowser finds a backpack full of camping equimurpment.

Vectorgreg clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Starfruity and Electromario fight for a bag. Starfruity gives up and retreats.

Crazyzombie searches on top of the cornucopia.

Lapis breaks N.A.S.A's nose for a basket of bread.

Cyborg Ranger takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.

Reap grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.

Murabito takes a sickle from inside the cornucopia.

Brainulator and Buzz fight for a bag. Buzz gives up and retreats.

Use convinces Cheetah to not kill him, only to kill him instead.

Bearjedi rips a mace out of Pranavvinc's hands.

CitronOrange finds a canteen full of water.

HandsomePlant takes a handful of throwing knives.

Vandal scares Wckd away from the cornucopia.

Pepsicola and Spammer fight for a bag. Pepsicola gives up and retreats.

Day 1[]

Brainulator tends to N.A.S.A's wounds.

Lapis and Buzz work together to drown Jem.

HandsomePlant remains in his hiding spot.

Pranavvinc chases Someone.

Crazyzombie explores the arena.

CitronOrange defeats Pepsicola in a fight, but spares her life.

Electromario tends to RetroBowser's wounds.

Wckd makes a slingshot.

Spammer, Bearjedi, and Vandal get into a fight. Spammer triumphantly kills them both.

Starfruity collects fruit from a tree.

Murabito hunts for other tributes.

Reap falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Use sprains his ankle while running away from Vectorgreg.

Cyborg Ranger thinks about home.

Fallen Tributes[]

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Cheetah District 7

Jem District 4

Bearjedi District 5

Vandal District 12

Reap District 1

Night 1[]

N.A.S.A receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Lapis and Vectorgreg fight Cyborg Ranger and Buzz. Lapis and Vectorgreg survive.

Starfruity thinks about home.

Spammer stays awake all night.

Pranavvinc severely injures Murabito and leaves him to die.

HandsomePlant, Electromario, and RetroBowser cheerfully sing songs together.

CitronOrange screams for help.

Crazyzombie thinks about home.

Wckd sings a song to Pepsicola, Someone, and Use.

Brainulator tends to his wounds.

Day 2[]

Spammer constructs a shack.

Wckd discovers a cave.

HandsomePlant overhears Starfruity and RetroBowser talking in the distance.

CitronOrange receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Lapis defeats Pranavvinc in a fight, but spares his life.

Crazyzombie sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Use bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Someone discovers a cave.

Brainulator, Pepsicola, Electromario, and Vectorgreg hunt for other tributes.

N.A.S.A tries to spear fish with a trident.

Arena Event[]

Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.

HandsomePlant is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts.

CitronOrange survives.

Spammer survives.

Starfruity survives.

Electromario knocks RetroBowser out and leaves him for the wolf mutts.

Wckd survives.

Brainulator is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts.

Vectorgreg is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts.

N.A.S.A survives.

Pranavvinc survives.

Crazyzombie pushes Someone into a pack of wolf mutts.

Lapis survives.

Pepsicola is crushed by a pack of wolf mutts.

Fallen Tributes[]

10 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Cyborg Ranger District 10

Buzz District 5

Murabito District 2

Use District 3

HandsomePlant District 6

RetroBowser District 11

Brainulator District 8

Vectorgreg District 9

Someone District 3

Pepsicola District 8

Night 2[]

Crazyzombie, Wckd, and Spammer sleep in shifts.

N.A.S.A convinces CitronOrange to snuggle with him.

Pranavvinc and Starfruity talk about the tributes still alive.

Lapis begs for Electromario to kill him. He refuses, keeping Lapis alive.

Day 3[]

Spammer explores the arena.

CitronOrange stalks Lapis.

Pranavvinc makes a wooden spear.

Starfruity attacks Electromario, but he manages to escape.

Wckd receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Crazyzombie stabs N.A.S.A in the back with a trident.

Fallen Tributes[]

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

N.A.S.A District 7

Night 3[]

Lapis receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

CitronOrange receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Pranavvinc receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Wckd loses sight of where he is.

Spammer and Crazyzombie hold hands.

Electromario receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Starfruity goes to sleep.

Day 4[]

Lapis makes a wooden spear.

Spammer fishes.

Wckd thinks about home.

CitronOrange receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Starfruity severely injures Crazyzombie and leaves him to die.

Electromario dies from hunger.

Pranavvinc tries to sleep through the entire day.

Fallen Tributes[]

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Crazyzombie District 11

Electromario District 6

Night 4[]

CitronOrange tends to his wounds.

Lapis receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Wckd and Pranavvinc hold hands.

Starfruity is unable to convince Spammer to not kill him.

Day 5[]

Pranavvinc receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Lapis searches for a water source.

CitronOrange attacks Spammer, but he manages to escape.

Wckd makes a slingshot.

Fallen Tributes[]

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

Starfruity District 10

Night 5[]

Lapis thinks about winning.

CitronOrange goes to sleep.

Wckd is awoken by nightmares.

Pranavvinc goes to sleep.

Spammer receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Day 6[]

CitronOrange, Pranavvinc, and Spammer get into a fight. Spammer triumphantly kills them both.

Lapis tends to Wckd's wounds.

Fallen Tributes[]

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

CitronOrange District 4

Pranavvinc District 2

Night 6[]

Lapis destroys Wckd's supplies while he is asleep.

Spammer dies from an infection.

Day 7[]

Lapis kills Wckd with his own weapon.

Fallen Tributes[]

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Spammer District 12

Wckd District 2


The winner is Lapis from District 1!

