Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

So as the title says, I will let each of you know how to use each card well. As a ranked 50 Ultimate League player, I'm very reliable in terms of each card. I will start from Guardian and then go all the way down to Sneaky. I will also say what to use that card for and explain the terminology like a crash course (full info here) so that way, we're all speaking the same tune. I will also sort them according to what set they are and their rarity (though we only have 1 set right now).

Incomplete at the moment

Terminology meaning[]

Aggro = Quickly defeat your opponent by rushing them. (rarely used in the battles I fought at Taco league)

Tempo = Try to play your cards as soon as you can play them (rarely used in the battles I fought at Taco league)

Control = Ensure your opponent is unable to play anything without it being removed, then play your own. (used the most)

Ramp = Try to get the high cost cards earlier than intended via cards that give you more currency or make your cards cheaper to play. (I hardly see this type of play-style in the taco league battles I have so most likely you won't either)

Bullseye = Damage caused by this card cannot be blocked (aka block-meter does not get charged up by this attack)

Amphibious = Can be played on any lane, including water lanes.

Team-Up = Two plants can be played on the same lane.

Card usage[]

So now, here's how you use each card well (yes, every single one, even the basic 1/1s)(Event cards are in their own table)(It's very obvious that all basic cards are common. Everything else are premium)


Defenders, they ensure they outlast the opponent by having high health and armored.

Set 1 (Premium cards and the basics)
Down: Card name, Right: Stats Rarity Tribes Sun cost Strength (if applicable) Health (if applicable) Ability/Effect/Traits Typical usage How to use it well Author's note
Potato Mine Uncommon Root plant 1 0 1
  • Traits: Team-Up
  • When destroyed: Deal 2 damage to a zombie here
  • Used to protect a weak plant from getting hurt
Use it as a control card Saw it in about a few matches but rarely used
Small-Nut Common Nut Plant 1 1 1 NIL
  • Cheap Mirror-Nut ability activator
I won't recommend using this card by yourself. Use this with Mirror-Nut and even then, Wall-Nut does a much better job. I never saw this from high ranked players. If you do fight a lower ranked player, expect this plant.
Sting Bean Common Bean Pea Plant 1 1 2
  • Traits: Bullseye, Amphibious
  • Ability: None
  • Early way to deal free damage to the zombie hero/weaken them for a finishing blow later on
  • Use this card as an aggro card
  • Pair this up with either Navy Bean or the Podfather
Used fairly.
Wall-Nut Common Nut Plant 1 0 6
  • Traits: Team-Up
  • Ability: None
  • Used to block off damage easily
  • Used as Mirror-Nut fuel
  • Use this card as a control/tempo/ramp deck
  • Use this as a cheap way for Mirror-Nut spam decks
Cactus Uncomon Cactus Flower Plant 2 1 5
  • Traits: Bullseye
  • Ability: None
  • Used to deal unblockable damage to the zombie hero
  • Used to meat shield a weak plant with Team-Up
  • Use this as a tempo card
  • For Wall-Knight
    • Suitable plant for flower decks due to high health
Rarely used though a few Grass knuckles taco players used this plant.
Gardening Gloves Uncommon Trick 2 - - -
  • Used to trick your opponent's zombies
  • Used to safely move a plant away from harm
  • Use this as a control card
Hardly used at all from the matches I had.









