Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

CrazyPingu54 CrazyPingu54 4 May 2012

PVZ Jokes and Riddles

1.What do you call a plant with a smily face?


2.What is the best way to make fertlizers without buying them?

Use the waste materials of Stinky the Snail!

3.Why does the sunflower produce sun?

Because its called sun-flower!

4.How do you fix your jeans?

Use a cabbage-patch!

5.I am a plant,

And I have emotions,

If you place me on a pot,

What do you call me?

Answer:If you got an answer,please give the answer in the talk!

6.I am a catapult plant,

I release something that zombies really hate,

Why zombies hate it?

Answer:If you got an answer,please give the answer in the talk!

More jokes and riddles coming!

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