Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Not to be confused with the store in Plants vs. Zombies, Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies.
For the Chinese version, see Store (Chinese version), and for the Plants vs. Zombies Heroes version, see Store (PvZH).



Store icon

Store Icon

Store icon before 3.8.1 update

The store serves as a general shop in Plants vs. Zombies 2 where real life money and gems can be used to purchase different items, plants, upgrades, sprouts and even coins. With the 3.3.2 update, on March 11, 2015, the store was redone, and new tabs were added as individual shops. Currently, there are seven different stores under the store. There are also practical shops that can be reached through tapping on gems, coins or desired wealth on top of the screen but the options are much more limited in these quick shops. There is also a button under the store that can be used to reach the website of Plants vs. Zombies merchandise. Discounts on the prices are frequently made and announced through full screen advertisements.

Fresh Picks Shop

File:Fresh Picks.png

Fresh Picks Shop is the first tab of the store which was added in the 3.8.1 update, starting from Neon Mixtape Tour Piñata Parties. This shop displays limited special offers and uses a price tag as its symbol. The special offers of Imitater, Squash and Torchwood, being able to be bought with gems for a limited time, were featured in this shop, along with other offers such as buying boosts, 50,000 coins, bundles, and/or a newer premium plant (such as Cactus, Electric Blueberry, Jack O' Lantern, etc.) The contents of this shop constantly changes, as the offers last for a limited time.

Piñata Shop

Piñata Shop is the tab where seeds for level up plants can be bought with gems, coins or actual money.

Seeds can be bought with coins (Limit 1 per player) in certain dates

Plant Date(s) Seeds per

1,000 coins

Seeds per

5,000 coins

Seeds per

20,000 coins

Gold Leaf Sep 30th 2017

Dec 4th 2017

Repeater Sep 29th 2017

Dec 3rd 2017

Sep 28th 2017

Dec 2nd 2017

Guacodile Sep 27th 2017

Dec 1st 2017

Rotobaga Sep 26th 2017

Nov 30th 3017

Stallia Sep 25th 2017

Nov 29th 2017

Spore-shroom Sep 24th 2017

Nov 28th 2017

Primal sunflower Sep 23rd 2017

Nov 27th 2017

5 15 40
Cabagge pult Sep 22nd 2017

Nov 26th 2017

5 20 60
Bowling Bulb Sep 21st 2017

Nov 25th 2017

5 20 60
Stunion Sep 20th 2017

Nov 24th 2017

5 20 60
Endurian Sep 19th 2017

Nov 23rd 2017

5 20 60
Tile Turnip Sep 18th 2017

Nov 22nd 2017

5 20 60
Nightshade Sep 17th 2017

Nov 21st 2017

5 20 60
Garlic Sep 16th 2017

Nov 20th 2017

5 20 60
Magnifying Grass Sep 15th 2017

Nov 19th 2017

5 20 60
Iceberg Lettuce Sep 14th 2017

Nov 18th 2017

5 20 60
Primal Potato Mine Sep 13rd 2017

Nov 17th 2017

5 20 60
Celery Stalker Sep 12nd 2017 5 20 60
A. K. E. E. Sep 11st 2017 5 20 60
Chard Guard Sep 10th 2017 5 20 60
Lily Pad Sep 9th 2017 5 20 60
Tall-nut Sep 8th 2017 5 20 60
Perfume-shroom Sep 7th 2017 5 20 60
Infi-nut Sep 6th 2017 5 20 60
Magnet-Shroom Sep 5th 2017 5 20 60
Spring Bean Sep 4th 2017 5 20 60
Chili Bean Sep 3rd 2017 5 20 60
Bloomerang Sep 2nd 2017 5 20 60
Spikeweed Sep 1st 2017 5 20 60
Sun Bean Aug 31st 2017 5 15 40
Citron Aug 30th 2017 5 20 60
Dusk Lobber Aug 29th 2017 5 20 60
Spikerock Aug 28th 2017 5 20 60
Wall-Nut Aug 27th 2017 5 20 60
Split Pea Aug 26th 2017 5 20 60
Primal Peashooter Aug 25th 2017 5 20 60
E.M.Peach Aug 24th 2017 5 20 60
Intensive Carrot Aug 23rd 2017 5 20 60
Winter Melon Aug 22nd 2017 5 15 40
Banana Launcher Aug 21st 2017 5 20 60
Sun-shroom Aug 20th 2017 5 15 40
Potato Mine Aug 19th 2017 5 15 40
Hot Potato Aug 18th 2017 5 20 60
Fume-shroom Aug 17th 2017 5 20 60
Blover Aug 16th 2017 5 20 60
Moonflower Aug 15th 2017 5 20 60
Coconut Aug 14th 2017 5 20 60
Twin Sunflower Aug 13rd 2017 5 15 40
Aug 12nd 2017
Primal Wall-nut Aug 11st 2017 5 20 60
Phat Beet Aug 10th 2017 5 20 60
Red Stinger Aug 9th 2017 5 20 60
Pepper-pult Aug 8th 2017 5 20 60
Tangle Kelp Aug 7th 2017 5 20 60
Lightning Reed Aug 6th 2017 5 20 60
Cherry Bomb Aug 5th 2017 5 20 60
Laser Bean Aug 4th 2017 5 20 60
? Aug 3rd 2017
? Aug 2nd 2017
? Aug 1st 2017
? July 31st 2017
Melon-pult July 30th 2017 5 20 60
Threepeater? July 29th 2017
Puff-shroom July 28th 2017 5 20 60
? July 27th 2017
? July 26th 2017
? July 25th 2017
? July 24th 2017
Snapdragon July 23th 2017 5 20 60

Coin Shop

Coin Shop is the first shop tab inside the store. There, the game's main currency, coins can be bought using real life currencies. Coins bought in the store are only bough for the current profile of the player and cannot be shared through different profiles. In the game, Coins are frequently dropped randomly by zombies and can also be earned in Zen Garden as plants give coins when they grow. There are six different options when buying coins in this shop. Each one has a different description and the more coins player buys at once, more discount there is, hence there is always a "Best Deal" disclaimer on the most expensive option. Quick coin shop menu can be reached by tapping the money displayer on top of the screen. Players can also buy coins from the Bundle Shop, where they are sold alongside plants and upgrades for advantageous prices.

Coins Description Icon Cost
5,000 Coins, coins, coins! 1-0 $2.99 USD
6.49₺ TRY
zl12.38 PLN

£2.29 GBP

R$5,99 BRL

10,000* This'll buy me a thing or two! 2-0 $5.49 USD
10.49₺ TRY
zl20.66 PLN

£3.99 GBP

R$10,00 BRL

20,000* More coins, more fun! 3-0 $10.49 USD
20.99₺ TRY
zl41,37 PLN

£7.99 GBP

R$20,08 BRL

40,000* Coins galore! 4-0 $20.99 USD
41.99₺ TRY
zl82.78 PLN

£14.99 GBP

R$40,19 BRL

200,000 So many coins! 5-0 $49.99 USD
104.99₺ TRY
zl207.02 PLN

£39.99 GBP

R$100,50 BRL

450,000 So very many coins! 6-0 $99.99 USD
209.99₺ TRY
zl414.07 PLN

£79.99 GBP


An option marked with * can also be reached through quick coin shop menu.

Gem Shop

Gem Shop

Gem Shop is the second tab in the store where gems can be bought using real life currencies. Gems bought in the store are only bought for the current profile of the player. There are five different deals in this shop. The deals get more advantageous as more gems are bought at the same time. The descriptions of the each deal are comedic. Quick Gem Shop can be reached by tapping on the gem count display.

Gems Description Icon Cost
20 Pocket full of Gems! 20 gems $1.99 USD
4.49₺ TRY
zl8.24 PLN

£1.49 GBP

R$3,99 BRL

50* The sparkle and shine, so many Gems! 50 gems $4.99 USD
10.49₺ TRY
zl20.66 PLN

£3.99 GBP

R$10,00 BRL

110* It's raining Gems, Gems, Gems! 110 gems $9.99 USD
20.99₺ TRY
zl41.37 PLN

£7.99 GBP

R$20,08 BRL

250* A treasure trove of Gems! 250 gems $19.99 USD
41.99₺ TRY
zl82.78 PLN

£14.99 GBP

R$40,19 BRL

700 Swimming in Gems! 700 gems $49.99 USD
104.99₺ TRY
zl207.02 PLN

£39.99 GBP

R$100,50 BRL

An option marked with * can also be reached through quick gem shop menu.

Plant Shop

Plant Shop

Plant Shop is the third tab in the store where premium plants can be bought. These plants are unique to this shop and otherwise cannot be selected for normal levels if not bought. These plants can also be bought without stopping by the shop; through the Almanac or seed selection screen. This is the only store where two different currencies are used; real life money and gems. Some plants are sold with a set real life money cost, the others are sold in gems. Plants sold in gems are not shared with other profiles of the player while plants sold in money are shared with any profile of the player. Some plants are only sold for a limited time period, others are always on the store. Sometimes, some plants are sold in a discount prize or a premium plant for gems, depending on the current event. Plants can also be bought from the Bundle Store, packed up with upgrades and coins.

Plants marked with * are only available for a limited time.

Plants marked with ^ were formerly costing gems, but such sales have ended.



Sprout Shop

Sprout Shop

Sprout Shop is the fourth tab of the Store where plant sprouts can be bought for the Zen Garden using gems. There are currently five different deals for sprouts. Sprouts bought are only available for the usage of player's current profile thus cannot be shared with other accounts. There are currently five different options on the Sprout Shop. Fast Sprout Shop can be reached from the Zen Garden, by tapping the sprout count displayer, where there are only 3 options and 25 Sprouts is shown to be the best deal.

Number Description Icon Cost (gems)
3 Some Sprouts for the garden! 3 sprouts 20
5* A handful of Sprouts! 5 sprouts 30
10* Sprouts and more Sprouts! File:10 Sprouts.png 50
25* A garden full of Sprouts! 25 Sprouts-0 80
50 Wow, that's a lot of sprouts! File:50 Sprouts.png 150

An option marked with * can also be reached through quick sprout shop menu.

Upgrade Shop

Upgrade Shop

Upgrade Shop is the fifth tab on the store. There is a total of four store-exclusive upgrades in the game that can be found in this shop. Real life currencies are used in this shop for buying them. Upgrades bought here will be shared with all the profiles of the player and enhance the gameplay experience. Upgrades resemble golden trophies and can be viewed in the "Upgrades" tab of the Almanac. Players can buy the shop-exclusive upgrades directly from the Almanac too, without stopping buy the Upgrade Shop. Upgrades can also be found in the Bundle Shop, packed with some plants and coins.

Upgrade Sun Bonus Plant Food Bonus Shovel Bonus Bonus Seed Slot
Icon Sun Bonus Plant Food Bonus Shovel Bonus Bonus Seed Slot
Description Start with 25 extra sun in the bank! Hold onto one more Plant Food during a level! Get an additional 25% of sun cost back when shoveling up plants! Lets you choose another plant type every level!
Cost USD $3.99
8.49₺ TRY
zl16.52 PLN

£2.99 GBP

R$7,99 BRL

USD $2.99
6.49₺ TRY
zl12.38 PLN

£2.29 GBP

R$5,99 BRL

USD $2.99
6.49₺ TRY
zl12.38 PLN

£2.29 GBP

R$5,99 BRL

USD $3.99
8.49₺ TRY
zl16.52 PLN

£2.99 GBP

R$7,99 BRL

Bundle Shop

Bundle Shop

Bundle Shop is the sixth tab of the store where bundles, containing packs of coins, plants and upgrades, are sold together. Bundles are sold with real life currencies. Plants and Upgrades bought inside a bundle are shared with all the profiles of the player while coins only cover their current profile. Bundles are more expensive than each of their individual components or their pairs but cheaper than all 3 combined. Therefore, buying a bundle is recommended only if the player desires to buy all three pieces of the bundle. If the player has already bought a plant or an upgrade that is a part of a bundle individually from other shops, that bundle will no longer be available for the player. Currently, there are three main bundles. Note that there are no bundle exclusive items and every item inside a bundle can also be bought individually from the Coin Shop, Plant Shop or Upgrade Shop, though buying bundles is a better deal than buying the three items individually.

Bundle name Starter Bundle Sap-fling Reforestation Bundle Grapevine Bundle Dragon's Hoard Bundle Torch Bundle Power Bundle
Components Hdse 1-0 Shovel Bonus HDSapFling2 5 sprouts 2-0 GrapeshotHD 1-0 Sun Bonus HDColdSnapdragon2 1-0 50 gems File:Torchwood HD 2.png 3-0 Bonus Seed Slot Hjala 4-0 Sun Bonus
Squash 5000 coins Shovel Bonus Sap-fling 5 sprouts 10,000 coins Grapeshot 5000 coins Sun Bonus Cold Snapdragon 5000 coins 50 gems Torchwood 20,000 coins Bonus Seed Slot Jalapeno 40,000 coins Sun Bonus
Description Squash your foes, pick up 5000 coins and get a shovel bonus! Plant a forest with zombie-slowing Sap-fling, 10,000 coins, and 5 Sprouts! Back your new Grapeshot with 5000 coins and extra sun. Cold Snapdragon, 50 gems, and 5000 coins! Torch zombies, get 20,000 coins and use an extra plant! Burn your enemies, add 40,000 coins and start with Additional Sun!
Price USD $4.99 USD $6.99 USD $9.99 USD $9.99 USD $7.99 USD $9.99

Costume Shop

Costume Shop
Costume Shop Ad

The Costume Shop ad on the main menu

Costume Shop is the seventh and final tab of the store where several shop-exclusive plant costumes are sold for gems. While the prices may vary from one costume to another, most of the costumes cost 10 gems. Costumes bought are only kept for the current profile for the player hence cannot be shared. Unlike other costumes in the game, every costume sold here has a unique name and description tag. When a costume is bought here, the plant will automatically wear that costume. It can later be removed or replaced from the Almanac or Seed Selection Menu. Some costumes sold in this shop cannot be obtained in any other way. There are currently nine exclusive costumes in the store. Costumes are not limited and can be bought anytime the player wishes to. Also, some normally-obtainable costumes are sold.

Shop exclusive costumes

Normally obtainable costumes



  • Before March 11, 2015, there were only four tabs under the store; Coins, Plants, Upgrades, and Bundles. With the introduction of gems, options were increased since gems can be used to buy costumes, sprouts and some plants.
    • Before this change, the tabs lacked symbols and only the names of the shop were written.
  • After Toadstool's release, the colors for each tab, while in the same location, feature different sections, so the following occurs:
    • Plants are where coins used to be;
    • Costumes are where gems used to be;
    • Bundles are where plants used to be;
    • Upgrades are where sprouts used to be;
    • Gems are where upgrades used to be;
    • Coins are where bundles used to be;
    • Sprouts are where costumes used to be.