Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Rescue the Gold Bloom is the second Epic Quest of Plants vs. Zombies 2 that was released with the 4.6.1 update. This series of levels showcase Gold Bloom, and is obtainable as a reward when completed. It is unlocked after beating Ancient Egypt - Day 8.

Step 1

Complete each step in the Epic Quest chain for an awesome reward.

This level is an altered version of Modern Day - Day 21. This level includes Jurassic Imps, Jurassic Bullies, and portals closer to the player's house in the final wave. The Ancient Egypt portal does not appear.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Basic Zombie2 None
2 Conehead Zombie23 None 100% Plant Food
3 Newspaper Zombie22 None
4 Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp24 None First flag
5 Basic Zombie21 Basic Zombie23 None PortalNMT is spawned at row 3, column 6
6 Jurassic Bully23 All-Star Zombie22 None 100% Plant Food
7 Conehead Zombie21 Conehead Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Conehead Zombie25 Jurassic Imp24 Newspaper Zombie24 None
8 Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp25 Newspaper Zombie23 All-Star Zombie22 All-Star Zombie24 None Second flag
9 Basic Zombie22 Conehead Zombie23 Buckethead Zombie24 Newspaper Zombie21 Newspaper Zombie25 None
10 Jurassic Bully23 Jurassic Imp23 Jurassic Imp23 Newspaper Zombie21 Newspaper Zombie25 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie25 None 100% Plant Food
11 Jurassic Bully21 Jurassic Bully25 All-Star Zombie22 All-Star Zombie24 None
12 Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp25 Jurassic Imp25 Newspaper Zombie22 Newspaper Zombie24 All-Star Zombie23 None Final flag; PortalNMT is spawned at row 1, column 2; PortalBWB is spawned at row 5, column 3


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums nor Plant Food, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Primal Wall-nut2
    • Magnifying Grass2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Celery Stalker2
    • Blover2
    • Spring Bean2 (do not use if you do not plan on using Plant Food)
  • Procedure
  1. Place a column of Twin Sunflowers.
  2. Place Celery Stalkers to deal with the first few zombies. Put them on column 5.
  3. Place Primal Wall-nuts on column 3 if you are waiting for Celery Stalker to recharge. Alternatively, you could use Ghost Pepper but you need defense for All-Star Zombies.
  4. If your Celery Stalker is about to be overwhelmed, put Magnifying Grass on column 2 and use it to deal with the extra zombies so the Celery Stalkers are not eaten.
  5. Use Blover on Balloon Zombie.
  6. Continue to use Magnifying Grass and Celery Stalker to deal with zombies until the last flag. Replace damaged Primal Wall-nuts if needed.
  7. At the last flag, portals will spawn and bounce a Magnifying Grass and Primal Wall-nut. For the lower portal, use Magnifying Grass to kill the Octo Zombie and the first Surfer Zombie. For the upper portal, place and use Magnifying Grass to kill the spawned zombies before they could do damage. Do not forget to use Magnifying Grass in the second to fourth row. When the second Surfer Zombie appears, use Ghost Pepper to kill it.
  8. Stall the last few zombies with Primal Wall-nut and kill them with Ghost Pepper and Celery Stalker.


Step 2

Get your first glimpse of the glorious Gold Bloom!

This level is an altered version of Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 10 which is changed from Special Delivery to a regular level. Sun does not fall from the sky, but Gold Bloom is introduced and pre-selected in this level. This level includes Excavator Zombies and Parasol Zombies on the same lanes.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Neon Zombie23 None
2 Punk Zombie25 None Punk plays
3 Neon Zombie21 Neon Zombie23 None
4 Neon Zombie21 Punk Zombie21 None
5 Excavator Zombie22 Neon Zombie21 Neon Zombie25 Punk Zombie22 None
6 Parasol Zombie23 Neon Zombie21 Neon Zombie21 Neon Zombie25 Neon Conehead25 Neon Flag Zombie2 Punk Zombie23 None First flag
7 Neon Conehead21 Neon Conehead25 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie25 Punk Zombie25 None
8 Excavator Zombie23 Excavator Zombie24 Punk Zombie23 Punk Zombie24 None
9 Excavator Zombie21 Excavator Zombie25 Parasol Zombie21 Parasol Zombie25 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie25 None Rap plays
10 Excavator Zombie22 Excavator Zombie23 Excavator Zombie24 Parasol Zombie22 Parasol Zombie23 Parasol Zombie24 Punk Zombie22 Punk Zombie23 Punk Zombie24 None
11 Neon Conehead21 Neon Conehead21 Neon Conehead25 Neon Conehead25 None Punk plays
12 Excavator Zombie21 Excavator Zombie21 Excavator Zombie23 Excavator Zombie25 Excavator Zombie25 Parasol Zombie21 Parasol Zombie23 Parasol Zombie23 Parasol Zombie25 Neon Flag Zombie2 Punk Zombie21 Punk Zombie23 Punk Zombie25 None Final flag


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Magnet-shroom2
    • Guacodile2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Thyme Warp2
    • Stallia2
    • Gold Bloom2 (pre-selected)
  • Procedure
  1. Plant a column of Twin Sunflowers. Stall the first few zombies slowly with Stallia, so the punk jam will be delayed. Kill them with Ghost Pepper.
  2. Put two Magnet-shrooms in column 2. One in the second row and one in the fourth row.
  3. The rest of the level is pretty straightfoward:
    1. Kill with Guacodiles and Ghost Peppers.
    2. If any zombies are too close for your liking, use Thyme Warp or Stallia on them.


Step 3

Hold the line against formation of frosty foes.

This level is an altered version of Frostbite Caves - Day 13. This level includes Tomb Raiser Zombies (That can appear in "Snowstorm!" ambushes) and Wizard Zombies.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Cave Zombie22 None
2 Cave Zombie23 Cave Zombie24 None Freezing Winds affect rows 3 and 4; 100% Plant Food
3 Cave Zombie22 Cave Conehead Zombie24 None
4 Cave Zombie22 Cave Zombie23 Blockhead Zombie25 Cave Flag Zombie2 Hunter Zombie21 None First flag; 400%/7 Plant Food
5 None Cave Zombie2 Cave Zombie2 Cave Zombie2 Freezing Winds affect rows 3 and 4; Snowstorm!
6 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie23 Wizard Zombie24 Cave Zombie23 None
7 None Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Snowstorm!
8 Cave Conehead Zombie22 Cave Conehead Zombie24 Cave Buckethead Zombie21 Blockhead Zombie23 Blockhead Zombie23 Cave Flag Zombie2 Hunter Zombie25 None Second flag; Freezing Winds affect rows 1 and 5; 500%/7 Plant Food
9 Cave Conehead Zombie22 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Snowstorm!
10 Cave Conehead Zombie22 Yeti Imp22 Yeti Imp23 Yeti Imp23 Yeti Imp24 None Freezing Winds affect rows 1 and 5
11 Cave Zombie21 Cave Conehead Zombie24 Cave Zombie2 Cave Zombie2 Cave Conehead Zombie2 Yeti Imp2 100% Plant Food; Snowstorm!
12 Wizard Zombie21 Wizard Zombie23 Wizard Zombie25 Cave Conehead Zombie22 Cave Conehead Zombie24 Blockhead Zombie22 Blockhead Zombie24 Cave Flag Zombie2 Yeti Imp22 Yeti Imp22 Yeti Imp24 Yeti Imp24 None
13 Cave Conehead Zombie23 Hunter Zombie21 Cave Conehead Zombie2 Yeti Imp2 Yeti Imp2 600%/7 Plant Food; Snowstorm!
14 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie23 Wizard Zombie24 Cave Buckethead Zombie23 None
15 Cave Buckethead Zombie22 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Tomb Raiser Zombie2 Snowstorm!
16 Tomb Raiser Zombie22 Tomb Raiser Zombie23 Tomb Raiser Zombie24 Wizard Zombie22 Wizard Zombie23 Wizard Zombie24 Blockhead Zombie21 Cave Flag Zombie2 Sloth Gargantuar25 None Final flag


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Pepper-pult2
    • Guacodile2
    • Blover2
    • Spring Bean2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Cherry Bomb2
  • Procedure
  1. Plant a column of Twin Sunflowers.
  2. Use Ghost Pepper to destroy the first few zombies. Put it two tiles in front of the flowers for efficiency.
  3. Start placing Pepper-pults in column 2. This will thaw your Sunflower as well as block snowballs while killing weak zombies.
  4. When you first see a Blockhead Zombie, place Spring Bean under it and use Blover. This should kill it immediately.
  5. When you first see the Wizard Zombies, immediately use Cherry Bomb.
  6. Continue using Ghost Pepper and Guacodile to weaken Zombies for Pepper-pult to kill.
  7. When you see the Wizard Zombies a second time, make sure they are fully on the lawn. Use Plant Food on Spring Bean and use Blover while the Spring Bean is in the air.
  8. When you see the Wizard Zombies again, use another Plant Food on Spring Bean to kill them and some Tomb Raiser Zombies along with it.
  9. Continue using Ghost Pepper and Guacodile to weaken Zombies until the Final Flag.
  10. When you reach the Final Flag, make sure ALL zombies are on the field, including the Wizard Zombies. Once that happens, use Plant Food on the Spring Bean and use Blover to kill all of them effortlessly.


Step 4

Take a premium plant out for a spin and earn rewards while doing it!

This level is a premium plant quest that features Jalapeno.


Strategy 1

Attention: This strategy may not work due to RNG.

This strategy does not require using Power-ups or Boosts.

  • Procedure
  1. Use Repeater to take care hordes of Camel Zombies. Place three per row if you want to make that row safe.
  2. Use Jalepeno right before zombies trample the flowers, this makes sure that Flags do not come too early.
  3. Use Potato Mine on the tiles right in front of the flowers to defeat Buckethead Zombies and Poncho Zombies.


Step 5

Produce 3000 sun in the darkest age imaginable!

This level is an altered version of Dark Ages - Night 9 which is a Dark Alchemy level. This level has an objective to produce 3000 sun, and includes Barrel Roller Zombies and Pirate Captain Zombies.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Peasant Zombie2 None
2 Peasant Zombie2 None
3 Peasant Zombie2 None 600%/7 Plant Food
4 Pirate Zombie2 Conehead Peasant2 None One normal and two sun-on-destruction graves are spawned
5 Peasant Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Necromancy!
6 Pirate Zombie2 Pirate Zombie2 None
7 Pirate Zombie2 Peasant Zombie2 Conehead Peasant2 None 400%/7 Plant Food
8 Pirate Zombie22 Pirate Zombie24 Conehead Peasant21 Conehead Peasant23 Conehead Peasant25 Peasant Flag Zombie2 None First flag; two normal and two sun-on-destruction graves are spawned
9 Peasant Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Necromancy!
10 Peasant Zombie2 Barrel Roller Zombie2 None
11 Peasant Zombie2 Peasant Zombie2 Peasant Zombie2 Conehead Peasant2 Conehead Peasant2 None 100% Plant Food; one normal and one sun-on-destruction grave is spawned
12 Jester Zombie22 Jester Zombie24 None
13 Conehead Peasant2 Conehead Peasant2 Buckethead Peasant2 None
14 Barrel Roller Zombie22 Barrel Roller Zombie24 None One normal and one sun-on-destruction grave is spawned
15 Peasant Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Jester Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 Imp Monk Zombie2 500%/7 Plant Food; Necromancy!
16 Barrel Roller Zombie21 Barrel Roller Zombie23 Barrel Roller Zombie25 Pirate Captain Zombie22 Pirate Captain Zombie24 Peasant Flag Zombie2 None Final flag


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums nor Plant Food, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Guacodile2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Chard Guard2
    • Sun-shroom2
    • Grave Buster2
  • Optional plants:
    • Spring Bean2
    • Blover2
    • Cherry Bomb2
  • Procedure
  1. Plant two columns of Sun-shrooms. This should easily complete the extra objective as well as give sun to fund for Guacodiles and Ghost Peppers.
  2. Use Grave Buster to remove some tombstones.
  3. Use Ghost Peppers to kill off the first few zombies.
  4. Start planting Chard Guards to stall zombies and defend the Sun-shrooms.
  5. By the time you see a Conehead Zombie, consider using Guacodile to do extra damage.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 to 5 until the Final Flag.
  7. When you reach the Final Flag, you can using any instant plant to kill off many zombies. If you do not have one, use Ghost Pepper, Guacodile, and Chard Guard to survive.


Step 6

Use Gold Bloom in a mixed-up melee on the high seas!

This level is an altered version of Pirate Seas - Day 18 but is not a Locked and Loaded level. Instead, the player can choose seed packets and Gold Bloom is pre-selected. Wild West Gargantuars, Poncho Zombies and Balloon Zombies appear in this level.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Pirate Zombie2 None
2 Pirate Zombie2 None
3 Pirate Zombie2 None 100% Plant Food
4 Conehead Pirate2 None
5 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie23 None
6 Pirate Zombie2 Conehead Pirate25 None 600%/7 Plant Food
7 Imp Cannon22 None
8 Buckethead Pirate25 Flag Pirate Zombie2 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie22 Swashbuckler Zombie23 Poncho Zombie2+4 Poncho Zombie2+5 None First flag; 600%/7 Plant Food
9 Conehead Pirate24 Conehead Pirate24 Conehead Pirate25 Imp Cannon21 None
10 Poncho Zombie2+4 Poncho Zombie2+5 None
11 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie23 None 600%/7 Plant Food
12 Poncho Zombie2+4 Poncho Zombie2+4 Poncho Zombie2+5 Poncho Zombie2+5 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie24 Balloon Zombie25 None
13 Imp Cannon24 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie21 None 500%/7 Plant Food
14 Buckethead Pirate2 Buckethead Pirate2 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie22 None
15 Swashbuckler Zombie21 Swashbuckler Zombie23 Wild West Gargantuar25 Balloon Zombie21 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie22 Balloon Zombie23 None 600%/7 Plant Food
16 Flag Pirate Zombie2 Imp Cannon21 Imp Cannon22 Imp Cannon23 Wild West Gargantuar24 None Final flag; 100% Plant Food

Poncho Zombie2+ always carries metal grate


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Laser Bean2
    • Guacodile2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Spring Bean2
    • Blover2
    • Gold Bloom2 (pre-selected)
  • Procedure
  1. Start by using Twin Sunflower on rows 4 to 5 and columns 1 to 4. Use Gold Bloom to help you.
  2. Kill the first few zombies with Spring Bean. Plant the Spring Beans on column 5.
  3. Plant Laser Beans on rows 1 to 3 and columns 1 to 2. You should have adequate sun supply.
  4. Use Guacodile and Ghost Pepper to support the Spring Beans.
  5. When you see the Wild West Gargantuar coming or if your Spring Beans are very vulnerable, use Plant Food on Spring Bean and all the zombies will fall in the water.
  6. Use Blover immediately on sight of Balloon Zombies.

Strategy 2

  • Required plants:
    • Primal Sunflower2
    • Primal Peashooter2
    • Primal Potato Mine2
    • Winter Melon2
    • Cherry Bomb2
    • Blover2
    • Gold Bloom2 (pre-selected)
  • Steps
  1. Place Gold Bloom, follow with Primal Sunflowers in the leftmost columns.
  2. Use Primal Potato Mines on the first few zombies.
  3. While doing this, use Primal Peashooters on the rows without planks.
  4. After filling those rows sufficiently, start filling the rows with planks with Primal Peashooters.
  5. Dig up Primal Sunflowers and place Winter Melons. The top spots to first place them are the second and fourth row.
  6. Use Cherry Bombs in crowds or when Gargantuars spawn, Blovers where Swashbucklers or other flying zombies appear, and use Gold Bloom whenever possible. It is also recommended to use Plant Food Refresh on Gold Bloom to get more sun.


Step 7

Take a premium plant out for a spin and earn rewards while doing it!

This level is a premium plant quest that features Starfruit.


Strategy 1

  • Required plants:
    • Potato Mine2
    • Starfruit2
    • Repeater2
    • Citron2
  • Procedure
  1. Plant Starfruit and Repeaters on columns 2 to 4 to get rid of Gravestones.
  2. Put Citrons at the very back to deal with Jetpack Zombies.
  3. If there is a Buckethead Zombie, immediately plant a Potato Mine to deal with it.
  4. Use Plant Food on Starfruit if there are too many Pharaoh Zombies or if there is a Gargantuar.


Step 8

Preserve the pretty flowers in the Lost City!

This level is an altered version of Lost City - Day 24. The objective is that zombies must not trample the flowers which is not altered in this quest. This level includes Robo-Cone Zombies, Mecha-Football Zombies, and Disco-tron 3000s.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Note(s)
1 Parasol Zombie23 None
2 Relic Hunter Zombie2 None 400%/7 Plant Food
3 Excavator Zombie25 Parasol Zombie25 None
4 Bug Zombie23 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 Lost Pilot Zombie2 400%/7 Plant Food; Parachute Rain!
5 Robo-Cone Zombie22 Flag Adventurer Zombie2 None First flag; 100% Plant Food
6 Parasol Zombie22 Parasol Zombie24 Imp Porter22 Imp Porter24 None
7 Relic Hunter Zombie21 Relic Hunter Zombie23 Relic Hunter Zombie25 None
8 Robo-Cone Zombie22 Robo-Cone Zombie24 Bug Zombie21 Bug Conehead Zombie23 Bug Conehead Zombie25 None 600%/7 Plant Food
9 Mecha-Football Zombie22 Mecha-Football Zombie24 Excavator Zombie22 Excavator Zombie23 Excavator Zombie24 Imp Porter21 Imp Porter25 None
10 Robo-Cone Zombie21 Robo-Cone Zombie24 Disco-tron 300023 Mecha-Football Zombie23 Flag Adventurer Zombie2 Parasol Zombie22 Parasol Zombie24 Bug Zombie22 Bug Zombie24 Lost City Imp Zombie21 Lost City Imp Zombie21 Lost City Imp Zombie22 Lost City Imp Zombie22 Lost City Imp Zombie24 Lost City Imp Zombie24 Lost City Imp Zombie25 Lost City Imp Zombie25 None Final flag


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Primal Wall-nut2
    • Rotobaga2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Guacodile2
    • Spring Bean2
    • Blover2
  • Procedure
  1. Plant Twin Sunflowers on the first column. These should give a steady supply of sun for Ghost Pepper, Guacodile, and Rotobaga.
  2. Kill the first few Zombies with Ghost Pepper or Guacodile.
  3. Kill any Adventurer Zombies and Bug Zombies on sight with Blover.
  4. When you see your first Robo-Cone Zombie, start planting Primal Wall-nuts on column 4, rows 2 and 4, and Rotobagas on column 3. Kill the Robo-Cone Zombie by planting a Spring Bean under it and immediately using Blover to kill it.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 until you see a pair of Robo-Cone Zombies.
  6. Use Plant Food on the Spring Bean and while it is in the air, use Blover. This should remove the Robo-Cone Zombies from the lawn.
  7. When you reach the Final Flag, use Plant Food on Spring Bean again and use Blover. It should kill all the zombies and you win the Epic Quest Step 8.


Step 9

Take a premium plant out for a spin and earn rewards while doing it!

This level is a premium plant quest that features Fire Peashooter.


Strategy 1

This strategy does not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Procedure
  1. Use Fire Peashooter on columns 1 to 2 to kill zombies.
  2. Use Chard Guard on column 3 to stall zombies until you have Fire Peashooter.
  3. When you get Tile Turnip, place it on the Fire Peashooters that have Buckethead Zombies or Blockhead Zombies in its lane.
  4. Use Plant Food on the Fire Peashooters if there are too many Imps or if there are Buckethead Zombies or Blockhead Zombies in its lane.
  5. By the Final Flag, you should have Power Tiles on five Fire Peashooters in each row. Make sure all Zombies, including Imps, are fully on the lawn. Use Plant Food on a Fire Peashooter that is on a Power Tile to kill all the Zombies.


Step 10

Conquer a cornball collection of baddies to emancipate the Gold Bloom!

This level is an altered version of Jurassic Marsh - Day 29 but is not a Locked and Loaded level. The player can choose seed packets, while Gold Bloom is pre-selected. Chicken Wrangler Zombies, Weasel Hoarders, and Octo Zombies are included in this level.

The small number next to the zombie icon means that zombie will always appear in that lane, with 1 being the topmost lane and 5 being the bottommost one.
Waves Non-dynamic zombies Ambush zombies Dinosaurs Note(s)
1 Jurassic Zombie23 None None
2 Jurassic Zombie22 Jurassic Imp23 None None
3 Jurassic Zombie21 Jurassic Conehead21 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 None Raptor21 100% Plant Food
4 Chicken Wrangler Zombie24 Weasel Hoarder24 Jurassic Zombie24 Jurassic Zombie24 Jurassic Zombie25 Jurassic Zombie25 Jurassic Conehead25 Jurassic Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Imp25 None T. Rex25 First flag
5 Jurassic Zombie25 Jurassic Conehead21 Jurassic Buckethead22 Jurassic Imp24 None None
6 Chicken Wrangler Zombie23 Weasel Hoarder23 Jurassic Zombie23 Jurassic Conehead23 Jurassic Imp23 Jurassic Imp23 None Stegosaurus23
7 Chicken Wrangler Zombie22 Chicken Wrangler Zombie22 Weasel Hoarder22 Jurassic Conehead21 Jurassic Conehead24 Jurassic Conehead25 Jurassic Imp25 None None
8 Jurassic Conehead21 Jurassic Conehead22 Jurassic Conehead23 Jurassic Conehead24 Jurassic Conehead25 Jurassic Fossilhead21 Jurassic Fossilhead25 Jurassic Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp25 Jurassic Imp25 None None Second flag
9 Octo Zombie22 Jurassic Conehead22 Jurassic Conehead22 Jurassic Buckethead22 Jurassic Imp22 Jurassic Imp22 None Raptor22
10 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Chicken Wrangler Zombie21 Weasel Hoarder21 Weasel Hoarder21 Jurassic Buckethead25 None Pterodactyl24
11 Octo Zombie21 Octo Zombie25 Jurassic Bully23 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp21 Jurassic Imp22 Jurassic Imp22 Jurassic Imp23 Jurassic Imp23 Jurassic Imp24 Jurassic Imp24 Jurassic Imp25 Jurassic Imp25 None None
12 Octo Zombie23 Jurassic Zombie21 Jurassic Zombie25 Jurassic Flag Zombie2 Jurassic Bully22 Jurassic Bully23 Jurassic Bully24 Jurassic Gargantuar23 None None Final flag


Strategy 1

This strategy does not require premiums, but does require Ghost Pepper. This also will not lose any lawn mowers.

  • Required plants:
    • Twin Sunflower2
    • Ghost Pepper2
    • Spring Bean2
    • Blover2
    • Laser Bean2
    • Primal Wall-nut2
    • Gold Bloom2 (pre-selected)
  • Procedure
  1. Plant a column of Twin Sunflowers on column 2. This will take a while, so use Gold Bloom and Ghost Pepper to help this process.
  2. Plant Ghost Peppers to kill the first few zombies.
  3. Use Blovers to get rid of Zombies moved by the Dinosaurs.
  4. Plant Laser Beans on column 1, prioritizing row 3 and 5 first, and row 4 second.
  5. When the T. Rex arrives, place a Primal Wall-nut in its row on column 3 then place a Ghost Pepper to kill them.
  6. When the first Octo Zombie arrives, kill it with Ghost Pepper as fast as possible.
  7. Check and replace damaged Primal Wall-nuts.
  8. When the second and third Octo Zombies arrive, use Plant Food on a Spring Bean and use Blover while the Spring Bean is in the air. This should kill all zombies and immediately skip to the Final Flag.
  9. Place a Primal Wall-nut on the last column and on row 4 to prevent the Pteradactyls from moving zombies.
  10. When you reach the Final Flag, immediately kill the Octo Zombie with a Ghost Pepper.
  11. Kill the rest of the Zombies, except for the Gargantuar, with Ghost Pepper.
  12. Killing the Gargantuar comes last. Place a Spring Bean directly under it and then immediately use Blover to instantly kill it.

